My Saab of the Moment!

The Scandinavian Blue
For those of you who have expressed an interest, here’s a picture of my current ‘ride’, Scandinavian blue. She’s a single carb 900, badged as a 900 ‘S’. No real reason to babble on too much about the modifications on her because you can see most of them for yourself.
Needless to say, she runs like a dream and has been the most reliable 900 I’ve ever owned. All she really needs is a couple of parking dings sorted and a roof lining and she’ll be looovely!
In the meantime, I’m still looking for my elusive Black ‘Series One’ 900 Turbo and when I find that, she may be up for sale so if you’re interested in taking her off me at a later date, drop me a line.
PS. Won’t be for a while yet though!!
Happy Saabing